[00:24.08]Ladies and Gentlemen [00:24.84]欢迎来到这个新世界 [00:28.05]It’s time to make some change [00:30.25]Bring it come on [00:33.52]现在到处都在讲态度 你有没有态度 [00:36.17]但有多少人懂什麽是真正的态度 [00:38.16]态度两个字不是空白背书 不是叫你耍酷 [00:41.63]是做每件事情都要全力以赴 [00:43.76]不管你为了理想打拼或是只求生存 [00:45.78]就算困难重重也要坚持 [00:48.15]do your best [00:48.26]执着的傻劲放手一搏的精神 [00:50.60]也许有人唱衰 [00:51.81]just don’t give a shut [00:53.31]一百分或是只求及格 [00:55.12]活得光彩或是苟且偷生 [00:57.43]你想要的世界要靠自己双手完成 [01:00.53]你想要的音乐就让我们帮你cover [01:02.96]We No matter who you are [01:07.06]We No matter who you are [01:10.95]新的世界新的生活 [01:12.36]We No matter who you are [01:14.93]紧紧牵着彼此的手 [01:17.12]We No matter who you are [01:19.96]记住MP带给你的感动 [01:32.22]手牵手心连心共创美好天地 [01:34.38]虽然是个老梗但是百听不腻 [01:36.54]想走到目的地除了靠自己的努力 [01:39.38]身旁绝对少不了家人朋友的相挺 [01:41.90]所有的枪林弹雨绝对真人实境 [01:44.33]我们携手奋斗一起打赢这场战役 [01:46.88]今天无法得意的笑没有关系 [01:49.03]今晚乾了这杯明天keep on fighting [01:51.08]Let’s fight ! For one shot , one opportunity [01:54.07]We never die ! 用音符燃烧我们的生命 [01:57.27]所有旋律诞生都从这个family [01:58.84]我们用音乐创造你所有的fantasy [02:01.14]We No matter who you are [02:04.43]We No matter who you are [02:08.68]新的世界新的生活 [02:10.95]We No matter who you are [02:13.81]紧紧牵着彼此的手 [02:15.83]We No matter who you are [02:18.67]记住MP带给你的感动 [02:22.00]这个世界运转don’t stop [02:23.75]这种态度持续don’t stop [02:25.71]如果还找不到方向 [02:28.07]跟着Magic Power right now change up [02:31.59]这个世界运转don’t stop [02:33.45]这种态度持续don’t stop [02:36.63]如果还找不到方向 [02:38.46]跟着Magic Power right now change up [03:00.06]We No matter who you are [03:02.73]We No matter who you are [03:07.80]新的世界新的生活 [03:09.77]We No matter who you are [03:12.57]紧紧牵着彼此的手 [03:14.60]We No matter who you are [03:17.41]记住MP带给你的感动 [03:19.76]We No matter who you are [03:22.90]We No matter who you are [03:25.91]新的世界新的生活 [03:29.24]We No matter who you are [03:32.22]紧紧牵着彼此的手 [03:34.20]We No matter who you are [03:37.14]记住MP带给你的感动 [03:46.77] [03:51.14]~~~哦哦 哦哦 [03:56.70]但也希望大家支持哦!