眺望大雁,再忆长安,(吾心几度不欣然)。 壮志未断,过往如烟,(太宗力启贞观年)。 以酒居仙,文思郁芊,诗盖下天属青莲。 盛世开元,清辉紫烟,怎是一个金刚磐。 We know,it's so fucking grand (ChangAn city,vice city) It still have some stupid face (Destroy it) We know,it's so fucking proud (ChangAn city,vice city) let's us find the real freedom (Control it) 仰视云颜,追想当年,(岂容两行热泪干)。 八水沉怨,铁骑泛滥,(欲寻诸君却不见)。 宦官专权,起兵谋反,史诸婉言难遮乱。 风逝土寒,宏卷已暗,唯留下香积一片。 We know,it's so fucking grand (ChangAn city,vice city) It still have some stupid face (Destroy it) We know,it's so fucking proud (ChangAn city,vice city) let's us find the real freedom (Control it) 梦里吾辈守阴山,抽刀断水无等闲。 只盼哪日凯归还,锦衣载誉回中关。 怎料禁门已空殿,愁云黪淡百里川。 弃首无怨恨满颜,怎个绵绵再潺潺。 We know,it's so fucking grand (ChangAn city,vice city) It still have some stupid face (Destroy it) We know,it's so fucking proud (ChangAn city,vice city) let's us find the real freedom (Control it)