(Weasel)Everywhere I went today four walls kept following me around laughing quietlythreatening to break down and leave me curled up screaming I watch them cacklelike baboons and snd smell the stench of their perfume the've single-handedlystopped evolution it's all in my head and it's gonna stay that way I gag and Iforce down this spoiled version of the facts of life I cram my square head into the round holes but it's pointless trying I wish that I could make my mindaccept the lies that keep those blobs of human meat alive I know I can't and I wonder who was around with a shovel when we paved these roads that don't goanywhere standing around while the wires jumped and burned with a where's mypaycheck look on their faces keep it around so you feel a little safer whenyou drag your fat ass to bed at night keep it going around keep the rottenfoundation of your cheap little lives from caving in it's all in my head itbetter stay that way