A. Staehely Jumped me a Braniff Airline, second stop Newark N.J. Bought me a bus and rode through the tunnel underneath that New York Bay I said ‘Cab driver, listen to me and I’ll tell you where I want to be’ ‘7th Avenue, West 23rd, Hotel Chelsea’. I’m gonna get me some Chelsea loving I’m gonna get me some Chelsea loving, alright I’m gonna get me some Chelsea loving. They say that Dylan Thomas drank himself to death But I know better, it was them Chelsea girls that wouldn’t give that boy no rest I said ‘Where are you Andy Warhol ? Call your superstars off’ It’s been three days since food or sleep and I contracted a terrible cough, yes I did. Just getting that Chelsea loving Just getting that Chelsea loving Just getting that Chelsea. Jumped me a Braniff Airline, second stop Newark N.J. Bought me a bus and rode through the tunnel underneath that New York Bay I said ‘Cab driver, listen to me and I’ll tell you where I want to be’ I said ‘7th Avenue, West 23rd, Hotel Chelsea’. I’m gonna get me some Chelsea loving I’m gonna get me some Chelsea loving I’m gonna get me some Chelsea loving.