Look inside 语文书上涂过的插图还在不在 想把杜甫李白 一脚踹开 抄句子凑作文替代 Do you say 一张数学卷子两个小时不能 写下来 三角式少些pai 多次方解不开 演草纸堆到了窗台 fuck you fuck you very very much for what we driven do And what we had to do 高中还要念下来 fuck you fuck you very very much so what~we can do And what~we will do 高考依旧躲不开 Do you get Do you get little real meaning of those world in one day You want to be powerful As an exciting winner 突出英语~的重围 Do you Do you really enjoy 谎言中的政史地 让地球转晕了四季 方法论加原理 是五千年一道难题 fuck you fuck you very very much for what we're driven do And what we had to do 高中还要念下来 fuck you fuck you very very much so what~we can do And what~we will do 高考依旧躲不开 Look inside 看~看那些卷子这三年还~在不在 一叠叠垒起来~堆到天台