All eyes were staring you floated through the room Aarmed with your razor smile cutting to the bone My voice fell useless you flashed a quick 'Hello' Feeling the fool, could you tell it showed? But that was 'sometime ago' A memory vague and fading slow, of somewhere I'd been HAND ON HEART A promise, a word, and a voice HAND ON HEART A rhythm of hope and choice will keep us together I don't know if I can reach that high It's a long way to fall Hauntingly holding my fate with a gaze Like a child mesmerized by the candle's flame Oh what lies behind those eyes I could only guess That certain way you stood apart frome rest Now where is 'sotime ago?' Whene everything moved in slow-mo-tion Caught by my watering eye HAND ON HEART A Promise, a word and a voice HAND ON HEART Promising I'll never go HAND ON HEART For reasons you'll never know, together through thick and thin, Lose or win, I'll be there for you Strange how the mind changes time and time again Thins once important now pale in comparison HAND ON HEART A promise, a word, and a voice HAND ON HEART A rhythm of hope, and a vision of choice HAND ON HEART Promising I'll never go HAND ON HEART for reasons you'll never know I promise girl, hand on heart