Good God KoRn You came into my life Without a single thing I gave into your ways Which left me with nothing I've given into smiles I've dealt with all your games I wish so bad right now I hadn't let you in Won't you get the fuck out of my face? Now Won't you get the fuck out of my face? Now In the sea of life, you're just a minnow Live your life insecure Feel the pain of your needles As they shit into my mind I scream without a sound How could you take away Everything that I was? Left me a fuckin slave Your face that I despise Your heart inside that's grey I came today to say You're fucked in every way Won't you get the fuck out of my face? Now Won't you get the fuck out of my face? Now In the sea of life, you're just a minnow Live your life insecure Feel the pain of your needles As they shit into my mind You stole my life Without a sign You sucked me dry Won't you get the fuck out of my face? Now *N 主场jon说:“这首歌是关于我在学校里认识的一个小子的。 我过去认为他是我的朋友,但是他却不把我当朋友。 我们认识的时候他什么都没有,他在我的房子里玩,却不把我当一回事,让我做很多我并不愿意做的事情。 我开始喜欢音乐的时候他却把时间花在了穿衣打扮上,他还对我说如果我穿得不时髦他就不会跟我再做朋友。 每次我计划要和一个小妞开始约会的时候,他就会从中故意破坏,因为根本没有女孩子跟他约会。 他是一个彻头彻尾的懦夫。我已经很多年没有和他说话了。” In the sea of life, you're just a minnow Live your life insecure Feel the pain of your needles As they shit into my mind You stole my life Without a sign You sucked me dry