作词:Red I/Jeff C. 作曲:Red I/Dj钛 编曲:Dj钛 Red i: Ya work cuz the money's gone, work til the payday comes Work til the work is done, work til the weekend comes No money, no honey, no bread, no bed Ya wake up everyday, heavy like lead No money, no honey, no bread, no bed Better quite your day job, and make music instead! (因为缺钱所以工作,做到领薪水那一天 做到工作完成,做到周末来临 你没钱没房子没女人,每天醒来身体重得像铅块 你没钱没房子没女人,不如就抛开工作做音乐吧!) Jeff: 去那里,老板叫我去他那里 我在工作,工作很重,你知道吗? 你说这个月会给我薪水,你会给吗? 结束了,我累了,收工,回家,洗澡,睡觉 老板叫我,你又要我干什么,我在做了,你又来骂 去你的老板,干! Red i: Work til the money's gone, work til the payday comes Work til the work is done, work til the weekend comes No money, no honey, no bread no bead Ya wake up everyday heavy like lead No money, no honey, no bread ,no bed Better quite your day job, make music instead! (因为缺钱所以工作,做到领薪水那一天 做到工作完成,做到周末来临 你没钱没房子没女人,每天醒来身体重的像铅块 你没钱没房子没女人,不如就抛开工作做音乐吧!) Jeff: 我累了,在这里,已经没半毛钱,还能作什么 继续找新工作 我的朋友来找我,对我说:你没有工作? 我给你钱去买报纸,找工作 你很善良,可以做很多事 你知道吗?朋友,你给我机会,找到好工作 新的老板说你好好做,可以买饭可以生活 他说我人不错,快来工作吧! 我很欢喜,他是好人! Red i: This tough situation, rough situation, people are suffering! You know we go to pray! To make it through another day Pray! So I can get my pay, pray to make it through another day Pray! To get my pay! Work til the money's gone, work til the payday comes Work til the work is done, work til the weekend comes No money, no honey, no bread no bead Ya wake up everyday heavy like lead No money, no honey, no bread ,no bed Better quite your day job, make music instead! (人在困境中受苦,所以祈祷,祈祷日子继续过下去 祈祷吧!希望我可以拿到薪水! 因为缺钱所以工作,做到领薪水那一天 做到工作完成,做到周末来临 你没钱没房子没女人,每天醒来身体重的像铅块 你没钱没房子没女人,不如就抛开工作做音乐吧!)