黃昏遠海天邊,薄霧茫茫如煙, 微星疏疏幾點,忽隱又忽現, 海浪蕩漾迴旋,入夜靜靜欲眠, 何處歌喉悠遠,聲聲逐風轉. 夜已昏,欲何待,快回到船上來, 散塔露琪亞,散塔露琪亞. Santa Lucia The silver star shines on the sea, The waves are calm, the wind is favorable Come to my quick little boat! Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! With this west wind so gentle, Oh, how wonderful it is to be at sea! Come passengers, come away! Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia! Oh sweet Naples, oh blessed sun, where creation wished to smile! You are the command of harmony! Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia! Now why do you delay? The evening is beautiful A cool and light wind is blowing Come to my quick little boat! Santa Lucia! Santa Lucia!