Pop! Goes the Weasel Round and round the cobbler's bench The monkey chased the weasel The monkey thought it was all in fun Pop! goes the weasel. A penny for a spool of thread A penny for a needle, That's the way the money goes, Pop! goes the weasel. A half a pound of tupenny rice, A half a pound of treacle. Mix it up and make it nice, Pop! goes the weasel. Up and down the London road, In and out of the Eagle, That's the way the money goes, Pop! goes the weasel. Potatoes for an Irishman's taste, A doctor for the measles, A fiddler always for a dance Pop! goes the weasel! The pudding for a Dutchman's meal, A workman for a chisel, The tune that everybody sings, Pop! goes the weasel! All around the farmer's barn The mice begin to mizzle, And when they poke their noses out, Pop! goes the weasel! The painter works with ladder and brush, The artist with the easel, And everybody shouts and screams Pop! goes the weasel! Pop! goes the weasel! Pop! goes the weasel!