[00:00.22]Come, thou Fount of every blessing [00:05.44]Tune my heart to sing thy grace [00:10.27]Streams of mercy, never ceasing [00:15.54]Call for songs of loudest praise [00:20.70]Teach me ever to adore thee [00:25.70]Sung by flaming tongues above [00:30.83]Praise the mount! I'm fixed upon it [00:36.05]Mount of Thy redeeming love [00:41.15] [00:48.72]Here I raise my Ebenezer [00:53.78]Here by Thy great help I've come [00:58.62]And I hope by Thy good pleasure [01:03.77]Safely to arrive at home [01:08.93]Jesus sought me when a stranger [01:13.91]Wandering from the fold of God [01:18.89]Here to rescue me from danger [01:24.16]Interposed His precious blood [01:31.40]Thank You for Your blood, Lord [01:36.58]O to grace how great a debtor [01:41.67]Daily I'm constrained to be [01:46.74]Let thy goodness, like a fetter [01:51.77]Bind my wandering heart to thee [01:56.95]Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it [02:01.92]Prone to leave the God I love [02:07.27]Here's my heart, O take and seal it [02:12.40]Seal it for Thy courts above [02:17.92]Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it [02:23.39]Prone to leave the God I love [02:29.70]Here's my heart, O take and seal it [02:35.00]Seal it for Thy courts above [02:41.66]Here's my heart, O take and seal it [02:47.49]Seal it for Thy courts above [02:56.77]Seal my heart O God [03:02.15]I am Yours [03:06.77]Seal my heart O God