「我梦想有一天:『每一山谷都要填满;大小山冈都要削平。高低不平之地要成为平坦;崎岖的地面要成为平原。那时候,上主的荣耀要显出来;全人类都要看见。』」马丁路德金牧师引述以赛亚书40:4-5      And the world is full of misery   With such emptiness and fear   How can I change my destiny   To pursue my reveries      The world has been divided   Into race color and class   Where do I discover righteousness   While everything moves so fast      And these words come into my heart   These are words that last forever   And I know that deep down in his heart   He believed the dream would come true      That one day there’d be justice   And true love for all to share   And His glory shall reveal itself   There would be peace on earth      When I see the broken-hearted   I run out of words to say   These wars are never-ending   Where do the children play      And these words come into my heart   These are words that last forever   And you know that deep down in my heart   I believe the dream will come true      That one day there’ll be justice   And true love for all to share   And His glory shall reveal itself   There will be peace on earth      No more discrimination   Only happiness and cheer   Let’s cherish all our hopes and dreams   And we’ll be free at last      I have a dream that one of these days   The world will be as one      Acoustic Steel Guitar: Tommy Ho   Harmonica: Henry Chung   Piano & Shakers: Edmond Tsang   Synth Pads: Roel A. Garcia   Upright Bass: Mike Carr   Drums: Joel Haggard   Background Vocals: Roger Chung      OP: Chimes Music      同颂主恩Hallelujah! Praise the Lord (Hidden Track)   循道卫理联合教会香港堂七十周年纪念歌曲      主所给的景致 珍贵无比   年头鸟语花香 蝉鸣静水边   黄叶十月飞舞 雪花飘漫天   万物皆祂所创 真可爱      有更多的赏赐 颁遍万邦   就是智慧生命 真理达远方   无论顺逆景况 皆与我同在   齐来赞美父神 同声高唱      同颂Hallelujah 齐来歌颂神   同颂Hallelujah 歌声达四方   同颂Hallelujah 万民欢呼响应   同颂Hallelujah 耀主爱      教会根基稳固 皆主宏恩   同行牧养七十年 福满溢香江   无论老叟小孩 拥抱主耶稣   传扬主的教导 到永远      同颂Hallelujah 齐来歌颂神   同颂Hallelujah 歌声达四方   同颂Hallelujah 万民欢呼响应   同颂Hallelujah 耀主爱 (阿门)      Piano: Roger Chung   Background Vocals: Roger Chung      OP: Chimes Music