hey yoお客様テンションはどうよ? 土曜の見学でっかく描く せっかく来たサンタさんも 帰らすくらいのアッついダンスホール 直接、直感、第6感で感じてロックオン 終電逃してマックオール 清水の舞台飛び込めブラックホール (Let's!)Just wanna dancin' (Go!)So SoにFlyin' (Step!)How's it goin'? Thrillin'なtalkin'から (Let's!)You gotta feelin'? (Go!)捨てちゃえthinkin' (Get!)What are you waitin'? Get Laid!! Are you ready? Make some noise!(Oh!) Let's Pump it up!(Yeah!) Seems like you got it goin' on Make some noise!(Oh!) Let's Pump it up!(Yeah!) Put your hands in the air, and wave'em like you just don't care! 今宵もIt's all good!見渡す 刻む早めのビートで 頭ん中ぶっとぶ ワッサ!なみなみ満杯 のテキーラで乾杯 アバンギャルドなギャルと 朝までオールNight (Let's!)Where're you goin'? (Go!)無いならmakin' (Step!)much more Shakin' フロアーからbouncin'でしょ? (Let's!)Deeplyにdivin' (Go!)そんなんじゃFakin' (Get!)最後までshinin' Shout Out!! Follow me now! Here we go(Oh!) 解き放つSoul(Yeah!) このPartyで、LoveもSurviveする Do it now(Oh!) 絡み合うEyes(Yeah!) あきれるくらい、SweetestなTime続く (Let's!)Just wanna dancin' (Go!)So SoにFlyin' (Step!)How's it goin'? Thrillin'なtalkin'から (Let's!)You gotta feelin'? (Go!)捨てちゃえthinkin' (Get!)What are you waitin'? Get Laid!! Are you ready? Make some noise!(Oh!) Let's Pump it up!(Yeah!) Seems like you got it goin' on Make some noise!(Oh!) Let's Pump it up!(Yeah!) Put your hands in the air, and wave'em like you just don't care! おわり