(1st verse/Diggy-MO') Yellow press 痫に触る ldeologue PSHCHO RHYTHM 乱す 安全で纳得な Epilogue Let's make an epoch in Hip-hop A Strom in a tea-cup What tha fuck, stop A-yo, Flamingos Venture capital 成れの果ては Dead Castle Hey, Dead Cattles Let me handle my battle Hello, my mellow Dez S.O Triangle to tha Square to tha Circle Yo, Listen up, my fellows (Hook/Diggy-MO') ※POSTMODERN ONE, FOR THA GRIPPIN' A PEN TO HAVE SOME MO' FUN POSTMODERN TWO, DISCERNMENT I'M INTERESTED IN YOU POSTMODERN THREE, BEAT IT WIT ME JUST FEEL THA HEAT POSTMODERN FOUR, FIND A POWER SOURCE LET'S GO※ (2nd verse/Bro.Hi) Frankly speaking a real thing is history But it'll reborn soon… So many kinds of community and company in this country they believe only their means But I think most important things is to get to know different backgrounds and culture it's valiable factor I'm talkin' about eternal theme (※くり返し) (3rd verse/Bro.Hi) All topics for discussion they were serious questions Can you find“forgotten passion”? Everybody feel this situation One day, you broke my communication Find out contradiction Self distruction of Bussines it's going around and arround… (3rd verse/Diggy-MO') Yo, what about music culture ? It's getting better For real ? I think so… For real ? Pretty much yea,… Had enuff! All cleared ? Not cleared Never mind about who is tha winner Begginer, Begginer, Hey y'all had better know that Believer, Unbeliever, Feel this I'll give ya Digger tha Killer quick on tha Trigger Bigger and Better Just go tha whole figure (Hook/Diggy-MO') POSTMODERN ONE, FOR THA GRIPPIN' A PEN TO HAVE SOME MO' FUN POSTMODERN TWO, DISCERNMENT I'M INTERESTED IN YOU POSTMODERN THREE, BEAT IT WIT ME JUST FEEL THA HEAT POSTMODERN FOUR, FIND A POWER SOURCE LET'S GO POSTMODERN FIVE, DO ME RIGHT GOTTA GET ON THA MIC POSTMODERN SIX, MAD LYRIXX NO NEED THA THROWIN' BRIXX POSTMODERN SEVEN, HITTIN' THA SPOT I'M FEELIN' Y'ALL YELLIN' POSTMODERN STILL RUNNIN' THING JUST KEEP ON