To tell the truth, I don't wanna talk to you. You're unduely hesitant and unclear like a rotten woman. Always hated by everyone. You have no true friends. Everybody uses you, and some may be deceived by you. Anyway, shall we work together and kill him? His unhappiness. I love. Let's kick him in. He's coming here soon. Are you ready?! BAD WORST 汝・言种・矛盾 今宵・楚歌・绝望 俺ガ今思ッテイル事全テ吐キ出セバ 少シハドウニカナルンダロウカ 形ダケノ平等 形ダケノ平和 形ダケノ自由 形ダケ仲良シ 物语・伪ル・幻影 己・形ダケ 胡麻摺ッテペコペコシテ 头カキカキ 心ニモ无イ事 スルノハ御免サ アンタラニ好カレル为ニ 生キテルンジャナイ 少ナクトモアンタヨリ贤イサ Everything want to say, spit it out! And maybe we'll be able to make something of it. You don't have to crawl to him, He can fuck off and die. And we'll watch him bleed. Go for it!