"But still you're faster than infinity" Yes a missioner scrap machine 好きにしでかすための Motion なら 斜 There's a little yellow pill "But still the truth is slower than anythin'" ドライなもんは捨てる主義 光 Hater Puppet Weblog Message は邪 A round trip back to nil "But still the truth is slower than anythin'" Scram go practice "But still the truth is slower than anythin'" Scram go practice Go 何て beautiful なうつだ うずく Trigger Pu-pull! Bullet to the head propa-gun-da 謎解き trip へ Bon Voyage! 慌てろ shadows すぐ追いつく Man over board! 救助は fxck no! 恥じ知れ last laugh ぶ格好 Tempt me, empty プロduct Bust your back bone into dust "But still the truth is slower than anythin'" Scram go practice "But still the truth is slower than anythin'" Scram go practice Go HEAD TO TOE BREAKER.. High caliber もどき vendor spot Mind carbon 足したら blend-a-pop 吊るされ Labrynth 背後に cross What the game? Gotta gain. Gotta name it huh? 独りよがりの Postmodernism " っぽい Mania 族" か しれっと何だ? 雑食? 変態系? ナニが? 笑わせんな 規制ん中 洒落ぶった cockroach 半開き Monopolizer around 行脚 不満からヒステリー carnie か? Dimentina 安売り bargainer 我れ先と急ぐ pantomimer 引き合い Example 大袈裟 Plot あっそ気付きゃ誰もが評論家 音より身なり先行な Mobilizer Direct Aim しゃぶってる Juggernaut! "But still you're showin' off infinitely" Think The moment of truth Think Scram go practice Go HEAD TO TOE BREAKER.. "But still you're showin' off infinitely" 隙間に良い無難なキメの Peak Skimmin' the "FEELGOOD" だらけ Got Jack in the box Hey cowboy, how do you feel? "But still the truth is slower than anythin'" "But still the truth is slower than anythin'" "But still the truth is slower than anythin'" Round trip back to nil Shoot the camera shy Juliet She ちょいっと OVER sized 意味もない hooligan 泣きわめく vibe, It's all a lie.. your 世に巻き付ける twisty 振りほどく bind 腕試し pixiey シリアル the crime Make up your mind, mind.. Scram go practice "But still you're showin' off infinitely"(repeat) Scram go practice..