Black & Blue Room 澤野弘之'等人 收录「MUSICA」 Let's imagine a blue light shines quietly in the darkness It's not too dazzling and not too dim You can't see anything. But you can hear the music Try to spread your wings' since you are hiding desperately from growing up to be adult Let's go on a journey in order to find the lost light that exists in a lost world We can do it by taking a lamp in one hand and enter the force of the black and blue room Compose'Arrangement'Story:澤野弘之 Translated in English:今井麻紀子'mpi Piano:澤野弘之 Drums:小田原豐 Bass:種子田健 Guitars:飯室博 Violin:三葛牧子 Tin Whistle:安井敬 Storyteller:Hanna Programming:和田貴史 Vocals:河合夕子'井上優弥子'Monami'Naoya'Sen'Melo-J' 澤野彩子'今井麻紀子'宮沢伊都子'相川嘉男'石動哲也'澤野弘之 NHKテレビ「サンデースポーツ」エンディングテーマ [04:26.28 [04:30.99 [04:37.70 [04:43.42 [02:00.95 [02:11.00 [02:41.04 Real refuge is not in pictures and music The best route to contentment is to find the world you drew When you were a child' you can go where ever you want Don't think it's childish'it's false to be adult A pure heat will relax you Don't remove your wings because you will destroy your own angel And please imagine your own world END