Def Tech - No Complaints 作?:Def Tech We've all got so many things going on in life The pressure to succeeds making us so uptight With all this negativity in the air It's no wonder we walk around lost in such despair It's there, under the surface of our smiling faces Showing up when inhibitions are gone, those wilding cases Places, faceless but we keep.plaining Straining, blaming, not caring who we maiming, yes The answer's inside just open up your eyes and ask why You really.plaining about the little things in your life One change and I think that you will find The divide between you and happiness is just a line No.plaints about the way life is going now No restraints making you feel pulled down it's on you To see it as it is, take it as You're the only one to take advantage of that freedom rhythm No.plaints about how we be feeling now No restraints from sun up to sun down It's for the better if we all let loose and choose To be free from all of the random.plaints we use ほんとの幸せってどこにあるの? ここにもそこにもどこにもないよ 随分?くまできてしまったけれど いまだこりずに旅を?けるよ 人は常にないものねだり?の芝生はやけに? どこかに答えがあると信じてた 与えられるものだとも思ってた どれだけ探してみてもやっぱり?つからないの 幸せの城はこの胸に?くもの No.plaints about the way life is going now No restraints making you feel pulled down it's on you To see it as it is, take it as You're the only one to take advantage of that freedom rhythm No.plaints about how we be feeling now No restraints from sun up to sun down It's for the better if we all let loose and choose To be free from all of the random.plaints we use 文句を言うのはもうやめよう 不平不?を?るのはよそう ?が私が自分から?われば君の世界が?わっていくよ どんな?い社会の中でも ?れないで磨いてゆこう ??だけは私?だけはどんな?所にいても! Got no.plaints about the little problems in the world 落ちてるよりもまず人を誉めよう Throw away all of the grief and then the fuss and fight IIIchillilax, sit all the way back, mellow out with the positive vibes No.plaints about the way life is going now No restraints making you feel pulled down it's on you To see it as it is, take it as You're the only one to take advantage of that freedom rhythm No.plaints about how we be feeling now No restraints from sun up to sun down It's for the better if we all let loose and choose To be free from all of the random.plaints we use 文句を言うのはもうやめよう 不平不?を?るのはよそう ?が私が自分から?われば君の世界が?わっていくよ どんな?い社会の中でも ?れないで磨いてゆこう ??だけは私?だけはどんな?所にいても! おわり