雨上がり外の湿った空气 走るチャリ水たまり注意 头上に颜出した太阳 雨云かきわけ今日もSay ハロー! I know you were gonna show up before the day was up 一日降るはずの雨止み 的はずれの天气予报に感谢 カンタンにStep by step 待ち合わせの场所まで 君の笑颜出会うためなら You know that I would go all the way Yeah, 到着したいつものカフェ红茶赖み君来るまで 外をながめ耳すませ闻こえてくる... my favorite song is playing on the Radio 君が来るまでの时间を... my favorite song is playing on the Radio keep playing that song ×2 わずかに晴れてた空がくもり太阳ももう雨云の向こうに 结局は予报通り空から雨がポトリポトリ ザーッどしゃぶりおかわりしたての红茶口に 运んだときに君の姿雨から逃れ走り迂む店ん中 Thank god you're here Please come and sit right here ずぶぬれで笑う君とオレ 店の中ももう二人だけランプで光る君を见て 调子乘ってふざけて今となっちゃ雨に感谢 伞がないからもう少しだけ... ※my favorite song is playing on the Radio 君と二人过ごす时を... my favorite song is playing on the Radio keep playing that song ×2※ Time flies by, but you and me Together feels like eternity to the end of time to the end of... my favorite song is playing on the Radio 君と二人だけの时を... my favorite song is playing on the Radio keep playing that song ×2 (※くり返し)