[03:31.96 [03:36.57 [03:39.88 [03:42.32 sunset on the amazon dawn on the ganges a new born's smile a rose or a palm tree chocolate skin a blueberry's seed a fresh out of the box pair of jordan threes fields of daffodils locus seagulls summer in the spice house beaches in brazil fresh snow winter on the windowsill lot of ones i'm the one who gets butterflies still the wonders of the world small things included the wall of pain to move it true this, life gets tough hard times we grind so i keep them images in my mind said the wonders of the world small things included the wall of pain to move it true this, life gets tough hard times we grind so i keep them images in my mind of they say beauty's in the eye of the beholder true indeed, and as i get older, i see more clear more true, that the version they envisioned is how i see you in the darkest hours with the clouds overhead wind beating down and the tide coming in we lingering on the negative forgetting how to get in to a better summer where the sun aint setting no rain on my parade our love don't bring no shame no hate no pain this way we see things differently find the pretty from the nasty you find the funny in the ugly truth rose in the glass, sun seeps through the real is the loveliest point of view lalalala lalalala~~ [02:43.01 [02:46.76 [02:51.09 beautiful things