夜に死に绝えた白い焰 色を持って息を吹き返す 大きなステージを象って ここから燃える街を见渡して もう二度と访れない绝顶を指す时を信じ放つ魂 梦中になって选んだ音 梦中になって搔き鸣らして You have a will to make your own life You have a will to make your future 梦中になって今ここで 梦中になった音になる You have a will to use your own time You have a will to use your everything 短过ぎる历史の上に When kicking and diving I don't open my fist, yeah 押さえ付ける时の上に立てば 坏したい明日を振动が叩く 长い间瞳を闭じていた これから自由になる力を 短过ぎる历史の元に When kicking and diving I don't open my fist, yeah I have a will to make my own life I have a will to make my future I have a will to use my own time I have a will to use my everything Climb to the top of my past that I have lost When kicking and diving I don't open my fist, yeah Now, say, your living the time, this moment Don't care if I can see it nothing It means I'm living like crazy The chance we have just got here, don't lose it On the stage we are now standing The new shout will resound Frenzy, frenzy, crazy…!!