[00:00.30]次は大崎、大崎 [00:03.93]お出口は右側です [00:06.71]湘南新宿ラインと [00:09.90]東京臨海高速鉄道臨海線は [00:11.83]お乗り換えです [00:14.35]The next station is Osaki [00:17.19]The doors on the right side will open [00:20.26]Please change here for the Shonan Shinjuku Line [00:23.36]and the Tokyo Rinkai Kousokudetsudou Rinkai Line [00:29.22]次は終点 大崎、大崎 [00:34.16]お出口は左側です [00:37.11]この電車は大崎止まりです [00:40.66]湘南新宿ラインと [00:42.59]東京臨海高速鉄道臨海線は [00:45.45]お乗り換えです [00:47.84]The next station is Osaki [00:51.02]This train will terminate at Osaki Station [00:54.77]The doors on the left side will open [00:57.66]Please change here for the Shonan Shinjuku Line [01:00.67]and the Tokyo Rinkai Kousokudetsudou Rinkai Line