Come away little lass come away to the water, To the ones that are waiting only for you. Come away little lass come away to the water, Away from the light that you always knew. We are calling to you. Come away little lad come away to the darkness, In the shade of the night we'll come looking for you. Come away little lad come away to the darkness, To the ones appointed to see it through. We are calling for you.We are coming for you. Come away little lamb come away to the water, Give yourself so we may live anew. Come away little lamb come away to the slaughter, To the ones appointed to see this through. We are calling for you.We are coming for you. Come away little lamb come away to the water, To the arms that are waiting only for you. Come away little lamb come away to the slaughter, To the one appointed to see this through. We are coming for you.We are coming for you. We are coming for you.We are coming for you.