[00:04]Hear now a curious dream I dreamed last night [00:06]Each word whereof is weighed and sifted truth. [00:11]I stood beside Euphrates while it swelled [00:16]Like overflowing Jordan in its youth: [00:18]It waxed and coloured sensibly to sight; [00:20]Till out of myriad pregnant waves there welled [00:24]Young crocodiles, a gaunt blunt-featured crew, [00:28]Fresh-hatched perhaps and daubed with birthday dew. [00:32]The rest if I should tell, I fear my friend [00:36]My closest friend would deem the facts untrue; [00:38]And therefore it were wisely left untold; [00:42]Yet if you will, why, hear it to the end. [00:51]Each crocodile was girt with massive gold [00:55]And polished stones that with their wearers grew: [00:59]But one there was who waxed beyond the rest, [01:01]Wore kinglier girdle and a kingly crown, [01:05]Whilst crowns and orbs and sceptres starred his breast. [01:10]All gleamed compact and green with scale on scale, [01:14]But special burnishment adorned his mail [01:16]And special terror weighed upon his frown; [01:19]His punier brethren quaked before his tail, [01:22]Broad as a rafter, potent as a flail. [01:28]So he grew lord and master of his kin: [01:32]But who shall tell the tale of all their woes? [01:36]An execrable appetite arose, [01:37]He battened on them, crunched, and sucked them in. [01:40]He knew no law, he feared no binding law, [01:43]But ground them with inexorable jaw: [01:45]The luscious fat distilled upon his chin, [01:47]Exuded from his nostrils and his eyes, [01:49]While still like hungry death he fed his maw; [01:54]Till every minor crocodile being dead [01:56]And buried too, himself gorged to the full, [02:01]He slept with breath oppressed and unstrung claw. [02:08]Oh marvel passing strange which next I saw: [02:12]In sleep he dwindled to the common size, [02:15]And all the empire faded from his coat. [02:20]Then from far off a wingèd vessel came, [02:23]Swift as a swallow, subtle as a flame: [02:25]I know not what it bore of freight or host, [02:28]But white it was as an avenging ghost. [02:31]It levelled strong Euphrates in its course; [02:34]Supreme yet weightless as an idle mote [02:37]It seemed to tame the waters without force [02:39]Till not a murmur swelled or billow beat: [02:44]Lo, as the purple shadow swept the sands, [02:46]The prudent crocodile rose on his feet [02:50]And shed appropriate tears and wrung his hands. [02:53]What can it mean? you ask. I answer not [02:57]For meaning, but myself must echo, [03:04]And tell it as I saw it on the spot