A silver River Illuminating the whole world And Blue Eyes Cut the starry sky I make a wish And Now I close my eyes Yes Do that- let it come true -Now Oh No At the speed of the stars Inside my heart, exploding Airplane roar Cracking open, Singing above the earth I make a wish ...and now I close my eyes (Yes, do that, a little dance) All is forgotten for a brief moment (In Bliss) And May it come true (Oh no!) My best friend, Whatever may happen, I'll swallow a tear, And Breathe in your hair, Making a ruckus, We cry on each other's arms, When we meet, When we kiss, Lips burning, Holding hands, I see you waking I see you naked Within me sings The nonsensesinging You're always wading, we're running faster, Everything smaller, I scream louder, About to wade, going away, My best friend, Whatever may happen, Causing a ruckus, Crying in our arms, I swallow the tear, breathe in your hair, As we meet, As we kiss, Lips burning, Holding hands, I see you waking I see you naked Within me sings the nonsense singer (Within me the lunatic sings) Within Me the Nonsensesinginger Sings...