When I fist met you You were wearing, wearing a tunic Eyes glazed over, stripped right back like a hollow We'd talk for days in a room off Cambridge Heath Road Smoking bone in your backroom While your sister, while your sister phoned While your sister, while your sister phoned While your sister, while your sister phoned I'd stare at your eyes as you helped the children You're quoting Voltaire or Ginsberg To the adorned in your kitchen Sipping ice tea in the summer Picture a park, yeah Playing at being Stan Bowles QPR Nineteen seventy five QPR Nineteen seventy five QPR Nineteen seventy five QPR Nineteen seventy five QPR Nineteen seventy five Then you helped me out You gave me a break, a break from the boredom I quit my job I took a gamble, a gamble on a new life I'll always remember staying with you in your hotel I'll always owe you son Gratitude gratitude my friend Gratitude gratitude my friend Gratitude gratitude my friend Gratitude gratitude my friend