带着黑影子回到家里 却发现家中没有人在呼吸 我试着找寻出口去换气 却发现自己不自觉的在叹息 Ill try to love you just like you did Ill try to miss you just like you did but do you really care about me do you really care about me do you really care about me 家中的灯光太过安静 我试着看电视转移注意力 画面上的哑剧毫无生气 我为何要面对影像自讨无趣 Ill try to love you just like you did Ill try to miss you just like you did but do you really care about me about me do you really care about me do you really care about me do you really care about me do you really care about me do you really care about me do you really care about me Ill try to love you just like you did Ill try to miss you just like you did but do you really care about me about me do you really care about me do you really care about me