我无法专心听老师说的话 因为 他只是教我以後 不该进黑社会 做不住不想听这些话 你要努力一点 白日梦没有用不要再 让大家很头痛 Oh but one day I'll show them what I've got On that one day I'll give them sorry thoughts Just not today But maybe some other time. 想不到应该要做什麽让大家跌破眼镜 我是要婴儿头还是该 当上大明星 Mom said if I don't get out, won't get married soon enough Men don't like cellulite and TV meals cannot give them love Oh but one day I'll show them what I've got On that one day I'll give them sorry thoughts Just not today But maybe some other time. 做 白日梦 我双手拿着枪 抵着坏蛋武装 他们跪地求饶 做 白日梦 我握着武士刀 拯救世界多好 我不太正经 该不该醒醒 Oh but one day I'll show them what I've got On that one day I'll give them sorry thoughts Just not today But maybe some other time.