[00:00.540] [00:22.180]Henry, sorry for not writing in so long [00:24.870]But Things have been less than great here lately [00:28.550]I think I’ve been depressed, maybe a little in shock [00:31.480]I don’t know if you’ve heard [00:33.040]But they’ve moved me to another prison [00:34.540]This one is a super maximum security unit [00:36.410] [00:37.470]First, the state police came rushing in on us at 2 o’clock in the morning [00:41.590]With m16 assault rifles and attack dogs [00:43.340] [00:44.270]They got everyone out of bed [00:46.020]Chained us all up and brought us here [00:48.080] [00:48.700]This is the same prison where Jason and Jesse are [00:51.140]But we’re in different parts [00:53.010]Here, I’m in complete and total isolation 24 hours a day [00:56.880]I’m in a concrete room with a solid steel door [00:59.810]There’s a drain in the floor [01:01.810]And a water spout in the wall [01:03.120]That’s how you wash or take a shower [01:04.870]You never even get to go out into the sun here [01:07.920]Not to mention, they had a huge budget cut [01:10.480]So the first thing they sliced was the food [01:12.600] [01:13.290]I’m not even allowed to have an ink pen [01:16.100]I’m writing with a filler tube from inside a pen [01:18.470]Which is why my handwriting’s atrocious [01:20.650]I haven’t really felt depressed in the truest sense of the word [01:24.470]But all I’ve done is lie in bed sleeping day and night [01:27.530]Now, I’m adjusting [01:28.660]You can adapt to almost anything given enough time [01:31.780] [01:33.030]Two days ago my appeal was denied [01:34.460]Shot down by the Arkanas Supreme Court [01:38.520]Everyone has always told me to expect it [01:40.450]And if any help comes, it will be from the Federal Court [01:44.690]But when I saw this decision in the news [01:46.820]I still had the feeling in my stomach that I was falling [01:49.250] [01:50.060]I’m getting scared Henry [01:52.000]I can’t tell anyone else that [01:54.060]Cos everyone here wants me to be fearless and to have no doubts [01:57.860]Not all bad news though [01:59.730] [02:00.360]I’ll be seeing my son Seth soon [02:02.790]He’ll be coming for a week-long visit at the 1st of January [02:05.350]He just turned ten years old [02:07.530] [02:08.090]And is still hard to believe [02:09.850]Especially when I hear him call me Dad [02:11.900] [02:12.900]I haven’t got used to that [02:15.020]I’m really looking forward to it though [02:17.080] [02:17.710]I’ll close for now but will be in touch soon [02:20.330] [02:20.830]Lorri and Jay are discussing what strategy to use from here [02:23.630] [02:24.200]I’ll keep you posted [02:25.440]Damien