They take their time with it pick out their favorite scent a force to used-to put the screws to her commanding officer starting lineman friend from work not a mask among the bunch to cause her fright there was more you could’ve done a proper lady doesn’t to have fun they just want some control you shouldn’t have dressed like that recycle reuse rational it reduces the goal (right!) we call ourselves better men as we watch them ruin daughters like that we’re so self-satisfied that we’re better than that we fail we failed to be better men i’ve watched friends and former lovers make the worst attempts to cover battle scars and open wounds that don’t heal the way that we’d assume every social implication that leaves friends with indignation it's a big dark line from far away but the closer we get the more we praise we call ourselves better men as we watch them ruin daughters like that we’re so self-satisfied that we’re better than that we fail we failed to be better men yea we failed we failed to be better men there was more you could’ve done a proper lady doesn’t to have fun they just lost self-control you shouldn’t have dressed like that i guess next time you’ll know we call ourselves better men as we watch them ruin daughters like that we’re so self-satisfied that we’re better than that we fail we failed to be better men we call ourselves better men as we watch them ruin daughters like that we’re so self-satisfied to be better than that we fail we failed to be better men we failed we failed to be better men