Sons of God we have been watching Over His children and jealous we grow We descend not to partake of beauty We shall soon know of the women of earth Cursed we are For our sins now Creators of the Nephilim Fallen Ones Who desired flesh - our lust awakened! Two hundred strong We now descend We shall create our children Fallen Ones who fathered beasts - the Giants of Canaan! In the days of Jared we had sworn an oath To bind us together in unholy deeds Seduced by the beauty of pure mortal flesh Wicked creations sprung forth from our needs Now we face the God's fury as He sends the earth a cleansing The Greatest Flood, a tool to wash away betrayal Jealousy and lust have caused two hundred to defy Him Disgraced by hate and shame we know bow before Him! WAKE UP! My children awaken For you know not what you do... and my love you have forsaken Don't you realize how it hurts me inside? As your loving Father and Creator... It rips out my heart... rips out my heart AM I NOT YOUR GOD?! (Solos: Mike/Pat) (Chorus)