Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I am found Was blind but now i see T'was grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour i first believed 奇异恩典温暖心田 思念岁岁年年 告别昨天 迷茫云烟 畅饮美妙甘泉 你的双眼 爱抚人间 跨越千难万险 你的恩典 铺满天边 有心人看得见 你的话语 注满心间 欢喜代替恩怨 天长地久 我心不变 传诵你的恩典 奇异恩典 降落人间 和平友爱绵延 天涯海角 感恩祝福 同回幸福家园 天涯海角 感恩祝福 同回幸福家园