I've always been one of them boys 我是這群男孩的先驅 Rollin' around in jacked up toys 禮拜五在這小鎮騎著機車翹孤輪 Making noise on small town Friday nights 製造著吵死人的噪音 Red light running, good time chasing, 闖紅燈、公路爆走 Guess I've earned this reputation 猜猜看,我賺來多少好評 Probably never shake it but that's alright 雖然不可動搖,但我很愛這感覺 I've got a rough side, a wild side 我既狂野又粗曠 At least a country mile wide 那種感覺你無法想像 A fightin' side after a few 又有一點點好鬥 If they wanna see my sweet side 如果他們想看到我可愛的一面 My soft side, my best side 柔情的一面,好的一面 I just point at you 我會指著你 Yea, point at you 也只有你有本事讓我變成這樣 Girl I ain't sure just what it is 女孩啊,我不確定到底發生了什麼事 That's got me all tore up like this 這讓我有點混亂 Your kiss done melted down this heart of stone 你的吻正一點一滴融化我這石頭做的心 I still like to get a little crazy 我喜歡來點小瘋狂 But something about your loving baby 知道你就愛這調調寶貝 It breaks me down and makes me wanna haul ass home 這簡直讓我無法自拔的想來點快速進展 I've got a rough side, a wild side 我既狂野又粗曠 At least a country mile wide 那種感覺你無法想像 A fightin' side after a few 又有一點點好鬥 If they wanna see my sweet side 如果他們想看到我可愛的一面 My soft side, my best side 柔情的一面,好的一面 I just point at you 我會指著你 Point at you yeah 也只有你有本事讓我變成這樣 Oh girl I wouldn't blame ya if you tried to change me 女孩啊,如果你疲於改造我的個性,我並不會責怪你 Lord knows I'm hard to hold 上帝知道我很珍惜這段感情 But I guess you kinda like all of my sides 而我想你是很喜歡我所有的樣貌 And I ain't letting you go 所以,我並不想讓你離開 Cause my best side is holding me close 因為我最好的一面其實一直都在 Point at you, yeah 都是因為你 I've got a rough side, a wild side 我既狂野又粗曠 At least a country mile wide 那種感覺你無法想像 A fightin' side after a few 又有一點點好鬥 If they wanna see my sweet side 如果他們想看到我可愛的一面 My soft side, my best side 柔情的一面,好的一面 I just point at you 我會指向你 Oh baby, I just point at you 噢寶貝,我會指著你 Girl I point at you 噢寶貝,我會指著你 Oh babe my best side is you 我所有完美的一面都是為你而生 Girl I point at you 也只有你有本事讓我這樣