[01:17.598] The darkness fills this empty place [01:21.846] The dim light of the stars peeks [01:26.316] Through the branches of dying trees [01:31.448] A light mist fills the dark cold air this night [02:33.822] A burden of coldness [02:38.760] Sucked into my dying lungs [02:43.381] And my final breaths [02:45.612] Are turning into fog [02:48.242] As I release the trapped air [02:51.853] From primordial ages [03:57.677] The sound of my footsteps [04:00.349] Awakens distant beats [04:02.851] As past autumns leaves [04:05.369] Crush under my feet [04:08.406] These beasts are disturbed [04:10.425] By my presence [04:13.506] Their time of feasting is near [04:40.180] The wide eyes of an infernal night owl [04:44.989] Watching my every dismal step [04:47.346] My every dying breath [04:50.755] As he is surrounded by the solitude [04:53.225] Of dying trees [04:56.149] I hear the breath of a majestic wolf [06:21.786] My flesh will renew his dying strength [06:24.577] And now my walk of solitude [06:27.176] In these dying lands draws to its demise [06:30.005] I reach out for my final breath [06:32.797] Darkness surrounds me [06:34.255] And fills me with emptiness [06:35.687] Drowning in eternal blackness [06:38.325] My life sucked out of my body [06:54.470] And now as the rain forces my lifeless [06:59.407] Blood into the time - Worn path [07:04.515] The beasts of this land feast [07:08.384] And my sorrowful burden bleeds [07:10.934] Out of my lonely soul [07:14.891] And I pass into another realm [07:18.991] And infinite blackness fills me [07:23.073] I pass my spirit into the forgotten woods