[00:00.000]Like a legend of cruelty angel [00:04.340]I know you will be never fading story [00:41.850]I feel a crystal wind breeze [00:44.750]It keeps on knocking those fish under aquas [00:48.380]You're staring with smile [00:50.520]It's only for me [00:52.190]You are there only for me [00:56.100]Slowly you've touched me in my heart [00:59.530]But ever I was looking for someone I need [01:03.270]A number of the fame will fall down again [01:06.940]But love would take my survival [01:10.730]Someday I think that [01:12.650]you'll be only one named after dream of the truth [01:18.130]Please don't forget your shining for the reason [01:20.650]they're ready to over the sky [01:27.400]Like a legend of cruelty angel [01:31.300]Flying away near a window before long [01:34.770]Sprouting pathos for betrayed memories [01:38.410]The shiny sky is the over sind of my heart [01:42.130]Keep on shining and you'll see in some of love [01:45.850]I know you will be never fading legend [02:04.840]Whispering from high above the sky [02:07.860]advise you're at a place where up on streaming world [02:11.480]Promise a day [02:13.350]but only you were [02:15.400]led by a dream angel ever once [02:19.650]Moonlight is shining the night [02:22.490]The crystal light flowling on all over the air [02:26.290]All moments were stopped just only for us [02:29.930]So I want you to hold this so tight [02:33.890]If I were a story what's pain down the meaning [02:37.290]So I could believe in myself [02:41.210]I am the bible to know our freedom [02:44.650]and trust you harder again [02:50.780]Like a legend of cruelty angel [02:54.400]Flying away near a window before long [02:58.320]Since you wonder why I'm still what I want [03:02.110]Shape up ready it's only way to believe [03:05.770]Hold it shiny sky you'll see someone's love [03:09.450]I know you will be never fading legend [03:57.580]If I were a story what's pain down the meaning [04:01.570]So I could believe in myself [04:05.480]I am the bible to know our freedom [04:09.090]and trust you harder again [04:18.580]Like a legend of cruelty angel [04:22.120]Flying away near a window before long [04:25.820]Sprouting pathos for betrayed memories [04:29.480]The shiny sky is the over side of my heart [04:33.300]Keep on shining and you'll see in some of love [04:36.870]I know you will be never fading legend