作曲 : 无名小卒 作词 : 腾云驾雾琉璃仙 白鸟 - 墨明棋妙 词:腾云驾雾琉璃仙 曲:无名小卒 I saw the smoke,the flame,and the wind. I smelt the blood.AndI heard the song. They crooned for the death,or cried for the future. The sky looked so gray,the dark cloud covered the sun. But I know,theres the hope forever,they will never fade away, even the sun extinguishes,the rainstorm burns,and the tears drop down 风又穿过这条街道 吹凉了拐角 他们冰冷的身体沉沉睡着 他捡起破碎石片画着昨日欢笑 听不到哭泣的黄昏 静得受不了 刚刚的雨把他们都洗干净了 沉眠从他们身上窃走一切苦恼 他最后看着他们 也露出了微笑 却被呛的眼泪溢出眼角 他站在苍穹下 渺小的像一粒尘沙 用泥泞掩盖了从未预料的伤疤 天空划过的呼啸像很久不见的白鸟 它们排成一行像刀破开了夕照 飞快地远去了 远方雾色的焦黄 像一幅油画 他看见他们跨过铁轨和木栅 穿过高高的石墙和坍塌的铁塔 朦胧中招手对他说跟上来吧 他站在那苍穹下 渺小的像一粒尘沙 用泥泞掩盖了潮湿的伤疤 云层渐渐散开了他看见阳光笼罩着他 树叶闪动翠绿的光华那一行白鸟啊 渐渐地飞远了 In the wind of the early spring, everything is blooming silently, the frail green is shinning,just like a new life born in the world. And he believes in it, believes in them