Story of Snoopy Red Baron (Spoken Radio Drama) We interrupt our BBC broadcast and now switch you directly to our war correspondent in Greensector-Two, somewhere in the trenches of France. Devnic Fran here from Greensector-Two, Somewhere in the trenches of France, where in approximately 15 minutes, the Allied armies have planned an all-out offensive to push the Kaiser back to the Rhine. Two hundred thousand troops have gathered around me here preparing for this biggest single attack of the war. Even now the artillery is laying down a fierce barrage in preparation for this. We interrupt this behind the scenes report and switch you now to the air ground at Redsector-One for an urgent bulletin. This is Pierre De Claire at the air ground at Redsector-One somewhere behind the French lines. We have just been notified that the Red Baron and his flying circus has taken to the skies and is at this moment struggling to make an all out attack to stop the Allied offensive. As we too well know, the Red Baron is presently responsible for the destruction of eighty Allied aircraft and is at the present time the leading ace of the war. This formidable foe must be stopped at all costs. At (this hour?) the Allied commanders are gathered trying to search out the one solution that could rid the skies of the flying circus and Baron Manfred von Richthofen. The Red Baron)