He just wanted us to call him Captain Da He said, "You can call me Da-da", whatever that meant Hey there, who me? Just your friendly neighborhood speed demon I'm out to Nascar in a fast car to the last car 'Til there ain't no cars left Enough cars go by with enough dust flyin' around to make you cry Back down and choke half-near to death, I'm going left Sorry about that, see like you I push the bucket I like to burn big, like, I've gotta cut all the bullshit out of my life to live So I tell them move over, this road ain't big enough for you I'm flying like Knight Rider, they're trying to keep up With their grandma outside, on the side Maybe their steel belted radials expired, maybe they're tired Maybe their odometer needs to be rewired or somethin' My bad Can you believe some of the drivers, they let out here on the road See, whole things slows down, you're gonna find that clown Who's gonna give you your scene with the chance to take it now So much hostility, y'all just keep checking your rear windows Maybe you'll catch me passing, mashed Cut 'em, cut 'em, cut 'em, cut 'em, cut 'em, cut 'em off Cut 'em, cut 'em, c-c-cut 'em, cut 'em off, cut, cut Cut 'em, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut 'em, cut, cut, cut 'em Cut 'em off in crash