They manufactured their fate Machines still echo in these stark landscapes Hallucinations of grandeur led them to boast The distracted culture let the industries clench at their throats They were choking in their billowy haste Rising stacks spewed out toxic waste Lethal injections left a toxic trace The drugged atmosphere was a heavy embrace Corrosive gases thickened the atmosphere They moved through the unknown with their backs toward the mirror The past comes to life on the Earth sect Second in line as the Venus Project War was the priority for their future It overrode the threat of the fast rising temperature point of no return as they blistered and peeled It didn't matter though because their fate had been sealed Trapped inside an envelope of nuclear overkill They ensured all life to be born still The earth was pressure cooked as the water fled The land was filled with the dust from the dead Small jobs for big egos who let greed corrupt their lives They knew their future was coming, but illusions diverted their eyes Global dissonance, a scalding air of silence Geographic reverberations of apathetic violence Reminders of their greatness stand grim and barren alone and useless over vast expanses The entirety of their race was brainwashed by scare tactics Unable to see any truth under a veil of distraction FEAR FEAR FEAR FEAR Kill them before they kill you The result of that mentality led to... Lifeless scenes emerge between the clouds of acidic mist Metalloid structures crowd this puke colored abyss The past is the only thing living on the planet A runaway greenhouse affect destroyed everything organic The species left their impact with radioactive craters The cities lie flat on this nuclear future Phase ten complete on the Venus Project Scorched rocks and molten lead will be the fate of man Fear echoes strongly in this nuclear wasteland