[00:03.060] [00:07.410]Ole buttermilk sky I'm keepin' my eye peeled on you [00:14.110] [00:14.750]What's the good word tonight are you gonna be mellow tonight [00:20.430] [00:21.430]Ole buttermilk sky can't you see my little donky and me [00:27.650] [00:28.520]We're as happy as a Christmas tree headed for the one I love [00:33.430] [00:35.450]I'm gonna pop her the question that question do you Darling do you do [00:42.390] [00:43.210]It'll be easy so easy if I can only bank on you [00:49.440] [00:50.380]Ole buttermilk sky I'm telling you why now you know [00:56.550] [00:57.370]Keep it in mind tonight keep brushing those clouds from sight [01:02.770] [01:03.780]Ole buttermilk sky you don't fail me when I'm needing you most [01:10.050] [01:10.930]Hang a moon above her hitching post and hitch me to the one I love [01:16.230] [01:17.810]You can if you try don't tell me no lie [01:23.090] [01:24.790]Will you be mellow and bright tonight buttermilk sky [01:29.810] [01:46.160]Ole buttermilk sky you don't fail me when I'm needin' you most [01:52.450] [01:53.020]Hang a moon above her hitchin' post [01:55.100] [01:56.040]And hitch me to the one I love [01:58.050] [02:00.000]You can if you try don't tell me no lie [02:04.980] [02:07.330]Will you be mellow and bright tonight buttermilk sky [02:12.220] [02:14.230]Will you be mellow and bright tonight buttermilk sky