Sun's so high, waterhole's dry, I wanna give up but I don't know why, Sun's so hot that meat cooks in the shade. Saw a lamb and it was chocking on death, It's mother kicked and broken it's neck, I 'ain't ever seen blood and milk mix so divine, I never such beauty so malign. Brother said bourbon never done me good, Neither did a face full of campfire soot, Them burning Alport coals sting like a bitch. I catch a lift on the last bus home, To the end of the line for the coppers I own, I get thrown off, hit on, beat up before I drown, In the murky backwaters I lay my body down. Fifty stars above my head and thirteen scars run through my chest, Blue and red blood fuck up my veins. Blackened eyes and purple nose, I got missing teeth, got a lot of those. Marygold you never done me no harm. Marygold in debt to you, Don't ever wanna say the things I've thought of you. Marygold I wrote you a love song.