To Ramona - Bob Dylan Ramona, come closer Ramona靠近些吧 Shut softly your watery eyes 闭上你湿润的双眸 The pangs of your sadness Will pass as your senses will rise 当你清醒的时候,那些悲伤的折磨也将不复存在 The flowers of the city Though breathlike, get deathlike at times 城市中的花朵啊,虽气息犹存,却如槁木寂灰 And there's no use in tryin' To deal with the dyin' 平和地与死亡共处,只是一种徒劳 Though I cannot explain that in lines. 而我也无能为力将它诉诸语言 Your cracked country lips I still wish to kiss 你那干裂斑驳的双唇,我仍然渴望一吻 As to be under the strength of your skin 就好像你皮肤下蕴藏的能量 Your magnetic movements Still capture the minutes I'm in 你那充满魅力的一颦一笑,仍然时刻倾倒我心 But it grieves my heart, love To see you tryin' to be a part of A world that just don't exist 可是亲爱的,我又为你痛苦着 你正试着努力成为其一分子的那个世界,它其实并不存在 It's all just a dream, babe A vacuum, a scheme, babe That sucks you into feelin' like this. 这只是一场梦,亲爱的 一场虚空,一场阴谋 为了让你深陷沉溺,不可自拔 I can see that your head Has been twisted and fed With worthless foam from the mouth 我能看到你不断地扭头,将一堆毫无价值的废话塞满你自己的嘴巴 I can tell you are torn Between stayin' and returnin' Back to the South 我能看到你为自己是选择留下还是回南方,而纠结辗转 You've been fooled into thinking That the finishin' end is at hand 你曾经天真地以为,一切的解决之道都掌握在自己的手中 Yet there's no one to beat you No one to defeat you 'Cept the thoughts of yourself feeling bad 既然没人能打倒你,没人能征服你 最后压垮你的,其实还是你自己 I've heard you say many times 我听你讲过很多次了 That you're better 'n no one 你并不比别人好多少 And no one is better 'n you 也并没有人比你强多少 If you really believe that 如果真那样的话 You know you have nothing to win and nothing to lose 我想你应该知道,患得患失其实并没意义 From fixtures and forces and friends Your sorrow does stem 你的苦恼只来源于你的朋友和舆论的压力 That hype you and type you 他们激励你,塑造你 Making you feel that you gotta be just like them. 让你相信自己会变成他们,一模一样 I'd forever talk to you 我愿一直和你倾谈 But soon my words They would turn into a meaningless ring 可不久我就会词穷,它们最终沦为一堆没有意义的音符 For deep in my heart I know there is no help I can bring 在内心深处,我知道我其实真的爱莫能助 Everything passes 时移世易 Everything changes 世事变迁 Just do what you think you should do 去做应该做的事情吧 And someday, maybe 说不定还真有一天 Who knows, baby 谁知道呢,亲爱的 I'll come and be cryin' to you. 我会跑过来,向你哭泣