The Impossible Dream 实现不了的梦 To dream the impossible dream 去实现一个实现不了的梦 To dream the impossible dream 去实现一个实现不了的梦 To dream the impossible dream, 去实现一个实现不了的梦 to fight the unbeatable foe, 去打一个打不败的敌人 to bear with unbearable sorrow, 去忍受那忍受不了的悲伤 to run where the brave dare not go... 去奔赴那勇士都不敢去的地方 To right the unrightable wrong, 去纠正一个纠正不了的错误 to love pure and chaste from afar, 我知道只要我持续这光荣的追寻 to try when your arms are too weary 一个满身创伤的人,仍会鼓起最后的勇气 to reach the unreachable star! 去追寻那些遥不可及的星星 This is my quest -- 这是所我追寻的- to follow that star 去追寻那些遥不可及的星星 no matter how hopeless, 不在乎希望多么的渺茫 no matter how far -- 不在乎多么的遥远 To fight for the right 为真理去战斗 without question or pause, 没有疑问和停留 to be willing to march into hell 为了神圣的事业 for a heavenly cause! 我愿向地狱进军 And I know 我知道 if I'll only be true 那将是事实 to this glorious quest 当我躺下休息时 that my heart 对光荣的追寻 will be peaceful and calm 使我的心 when I'm laid to my rest. 变得平静 And the world will be better for this 世界会变得更美好 that one man, scorned and covered with scars, 因为一个满身创伤的人 still strove with his last ounce of courage 仍会鼓起最后的勇气 To reach the unreachable stars! 奋力地追寻那遥不可及的星星