天上没有不散的云彩 地上没有不朽的岁月 生命不会地久天长 我们要珍惜短暂的时光 我们要珍惜现在的时光 星光在夜空中灿烂 生命却如此的荒凉 当你失去了希望的翅膀 所以只能拥抱理想 所以只能拥抱理想 天上没有不散的乌云 地上没有不朽的岁月 岁月不会地久天长 我们要珍惜这短暂的时光 我们要珍惜这短暂的时光 No colorful cloud never scattered in the sky No time existing all the time No life is always alive We should cherish the short time We should cherish the short time Stars shineing in the sky at night But wars are so desolate When you lose the wings to success You can only keep your dreams in your mind You can only keep your dreams in your mind No colorful cloud never scattered in the sky No time existing all the time No life is always alive We should cherish the short time We should cherish the short time