An asserere maleficas esse ita censetur catholicum, quod eius oppositum pertinaciter defendere omnino sit hereticum. As Inquisitor master...! I'll have His work surmount God's creation Consecrating heresy, hallucinating Daemons And as your bodies tremble, sordid celestial bodies Extol these lines and apprehend: Clandestine is the art of the Daemon... And when he doth transgress, he doth with fervency And as he doth transgress, will ye unmask his messengers...? Hast thou received him so bewitched as a Daemoness? Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear Who is as mover superior over the passive Who taketh the virile shape of the loins of the appetent Warm semen is passed on, from incubus to succubus To leave a secret blemish on human body and soul... An catholicum sit asserere, quod actus incuborum et succuborum demonum tantum modo infimis spiritibus conueniat. And when thou dost transgress, thou dost through His persuasion And as thou dost transgress, thou dost surrender to depravity. As Inquisitor master...! I challenge all holy volition Corroding souls by the moon, stirring cerebral lifeblood And as your bodies tremble, sordid celestial bodies Extol these lines and apprehend: The stellar call is but a hex of the Daemon...