Lines on your face don't bother me 你脸上的皱纹没有让我却步 Down in my chair when you dance over me 当你踏着舞步从我身边走过 I can't help myself 我已被你所吸引 I've got to see you again 我要再次见到你 Late in the night when I'm all alone 夜已深了,我孑然一人 And I look at the clock and I know you're not home 我确信此时你并不在家中 I can't help myself 但我已失去理智 I've got to see you again 想要再次见到你 I could almost go there 我几乎已经去了那里 Just to watch you be seen 只为见到你 I could almost go there 我差一点就去了那里 Just to live in a dream 只为圆一个能与你再次相见的梦 But oh, I won't go to share you with them 我只会把你藏在心底 And oh, even though I know where you've been 即使我知道你在哪里 I can't help myself 我已深陷其中 I've got to see you again 想要再次见到你 I could almost go there 我几乎已经去了那里 Just to watch you be seen 只为见到你 I could almost go there 我几乎已经到了那里 Just to live in a dream 只为圆一个与你相见的梦 I won't go for any of those things 此时我茶饭不思 To not touch your skin is not why I sing 歌唱也不是我思念你的原因 Oh no,I can't help myself 但是我错了,我已不能自已 I've got to see you again 我要再次见到你 Oh, I can't help myself 我已不能自拔 I've got to see you again 想要再次见到你