(To all living thing) The still silly creature Stupid stupid creature I was born for what? And do you dying for nothing. 生命の水面  物悲し聖母の子守唄 Can you hear? The voice of God 嗚呼 惨めさ  醜さに取り憑かれてる Devil scoop on heart I don't hesitate anymore Devil scoop on heart I don't hesitate anymore Devil scoop on heart I don't hesitate anymore Devil scoop on heart I don't hesitate anymore Do you eat this red apple?… 鳥獣戯画の晩餐  紅い果実を食べていた アダムとイヴの園  エデンに鍵を掛けて Crime and punishment God help Scourge falls 何を償い何を失えばいいのか 生きる理由も意味も忘れてしまった 罪を犯した蝶蝶が蜘蛛に捕われ 毒の麻痺蛾に体の自由を奪われ You come to kill me, tonight To stupid stupid humans Let ao cry 生きた証を刻み込んで灰と成る To stupid stupid humans Let ao cry 羽を失い自由を奪われたんだ Eat this red apple…