MY HERO Northern19 Don't let me down. I wanna hear your song much. Come back to us as if nothing had happened. I cannot believing. I cannot stand losing you for now. Won't let you die. I'm gonna hold your soul all along. Because I got so many treasures from you. You were in my starting line. And even now, burning my green heart. When I close my eyes, you are there always. Those days are not forgotten that lives in my heart. Would you listen to my song, if I can see you someday again? I'm always pursuing the sign of your shadow. Don't let me down. I wanna hear your song much. Come back to us as if nothing had happened. I cannot believing. I cannot stand losing you for now. You never die. I'm gonna hold your soul all along. Because I got so many treasures from you. You were in my starting line. And even now, burning my green heart. Don't let me down. I wanna hear your song much. Come back to us as if nothing had happened. I cannot believing. I cannot stand losing you for now. Won't let you die. I'm gonna hold your soul all along. Because I got so many treasures from you. You were in my starting line. And even now, burning my green heart. You are my hero. Live in my heart now and forever.