It goes on 1, 2, 3... 1,2,3开始 (I was born with) the hunger of a lion, the strength of a Sun带着狮子的渴望我降临这世上,还带着骄阳的无尽力量 I don’t need to sweat it when the competition come当挑战来临我从不流汗紧张 Original style like an 808 drum这原始的声调犹如 808 drum(一款录音室节奏混音器) So I don’t run the track所以我根本不需要试听这样张,不需要 No, I make the track run是我让这音乐闪耀 My mom taught me words, my dad built rockets我的母亲给我忠告,我的父亲制造火炮 I put 'em both together now, tell me what I got而我将这两者结合,现在告诉我我拿到了什么 It’s a pretty smart weapon这是把强力枪炮 I can shoot it, I can drop it我可以拿它射击,也可以扔掉不要 (But) learn to respect it ’cause you clearly can’t stop it like that但是你得学会尊重因为你无法承受这力量 Yeah, it ain’t over, ’cause the sharks on the left side, the snakes on the right还没完呢因为我左有深海狂鲨,右有致命巨蟒 And anything you do, they wanna get a little bite而你给我的威胁不过是小打小闹 It really doesn’t matter if you’re wrong or if you’re right你是对是错根本无关紧要 ’Cause once they get the teeth in, nothing really fights因为他们只会打嘴炮不敢真刀真枪 Except for me, I do it like I got nothing to lose而我,毫无保留拼尽全力 And you can run your mouth like you could try to fill my shoes你可以尽情责骂好似你以为可以坐上我的王座,但是 But steady little soldier, I ain’t standing next to you冷静些小兵蛋子,我可跟你不一样 I’d be laying on the ground before you’re even in my view在你注意到我之前,我已经做好埋伏准备一击必杀 Like that就像这样 Give me the strength of the rising Sun给我举起太阳的力量 Give me the truth of the words unsung给我未尝出口的真相 And when the large bells ring, the poor men sing而当丧钟响起,穷人歌唱 "Bring me to kingdom come"让我去那乌托邦 This is something for your people on the block to black out and rock to这能让你们这些躲在背后的孬种晕厥,摇晃 Give you whatcha need like: "Papa, who shot ya?"给你你想要的就像说:爸爸,谁在射我 Separate the weak from the obsolete, you're meek, I creep hard on imposters将无用的弱者剔除,你太温顺了...我为骗子们感到惋惜 And switch styles on the dime/Quick witted ya’ll/Quit tripping为了一点点小钱改变风格...真是机智,你们都别哭了 I don’t have time for your crying我可没时间听你哭诉 I grind tough, sucka, make your mind up我狠狠折磨,摧残你们这群弱者,这样才能让你坚强 Are you in the firing squad or are you in the line-up?你究竟是在行刑队里还是在排队要被枪决 Bang bang/Little monkey man playing啪,啪,人们在耍猴戏 With the big guns will only get you slain and I ain’t playing拿着大枪但是只会把你弄脏,我不是在说笑 I’m just saying / You ain’t gotta sliver of a chance我只是想说...你不可能有一丁点机会 I get iller, I deliver/While you quiver in your pants我虚弱无比,但是还是会让你双腿发抖 So shake shake down/Money, here’s the break down颤抖吧,铜臭气息,我来让你崩溃 You can play the bank/I’ma play the bank take down你可以向银行俯首而我要让这银行垮塌 And no mistakes now/I’m coming to getcha现在没有过错,报应也不会到来 I’m just a Banksy/You’re a brainwash, get the picture?我就是班克西(当今世界上最有才气的街头艺术家之一),而你已被洗脑 It’s like that能想象那个画面吗,就像这样 We swim against the rising waves我们迎着汹涌潮水遨游 And crash against the shore拼命摔向那坚硬礁石 The body bends until it breaks身体弯折直到拦腰截断 The early morning sings no more拂晓之时歌声不再 So rest your head, it’s time to sleep那就放松身心,该睡觉了 And dream of what’s in store梦想着是什么在那海角 The body bends until it breaks身体弯折直到拦腰截断 Then sings again no more歌声不再 ’Cause time has torn the flesh away因为水花四散 The early morning sings no more拂晓之时歌声不再