I Wanna Run [00:16.18 [00:23.42 在一个地方 燃烧炽热的胸膛 带着梦去闯 没人能阻挡 [00:46.04 [00:53.69 [03:08.89 [03:12.49 [03:16.45 [03:20.13 在一个地方 岩石中藏着力量 带着梦去闯 会看见光芒 Rap: Come on listen to the groove It’s a beautiful move No need to follow the rules 现在要说出我的态度 This is what I do Listen you better try to Do the best you can Failure is not the end 当我再站起来you will understand Troubles in life there are so many This is the time you have to get ready